Think Plan Do

Mark Suster just posted a great piece on taking time to THINK as an Entrepreneur.

Here’s the money quote (paraphrased)

 1. I think the best leaders are Thinkers. They often need teams of people to help them Plan how to turn their ideas into realities.

 2. The best managers are Planners. They are really good at creating lists of actions and monitoring performance of those actions. Manager isn’t a bad word. They are the absolute lifeblood of any organization.

 3. And the best individual contributors are Doers. This can be … your star salesperson who doesn’t want to have to manage a team because he simply wants to earn his paycheck and get on with his life.

 But read the whole thing. There’s a lot more where that came from.

And then THINK if you have enough of the right people on your team.