
At the moment I’m using this space to consolidate posts that are done at different times, but would be better as a single article. Enjoy

Where Does the Money Go?

Most accounting systems tell you what you spend money on, but not why. If you think about it for a minute you’ll see that postage (to take a silly example) can be bought for marketing, or for operations, or for product delivery (Cost of Goods). So just to know how much you spent on postage doesn’t help much. Perhaps that is why a surprising number of business owners don’t even look at financial reports, and a larger number – perhaps the majority – don’t get the info from them that they should.

In general, the reasons to spend money fall into 4 groups:

COGS – Cost of Goods Sold

Operations – Keeping the doors open and the lights on

Payback – How do your investors and lenders get paid?

Profit – Money for you and other owners


Here are a couple of post on hiring – mostly linking to how others do it.

Joel Spolsky wrote this

Craig James wrote this

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